Sci-fi 3D Card Art! Individual framed versions of the artwork created for my sci-fi wedding ideas. Also check out my Star Trek Wedding Stationery here or Doctor Who Wedding Stationery here. Also see my Guardian’s of the Galaxy Wedding Stationery here, and Luc Besson’s ‘Fifth Element’ Wedding Stationery here.
These are based around ‘Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan’. One features the Regula 1 space station. The other the USS Enterprise exchanging photon torpedo fire with the USS Reliant deep in the Mutara nebula.

The Klingon peice features dorsal and forward views of a Bird-of-Prey, with twin Dak’Tang daggers on a canvassed cardstock Klingon emblem, all on a black glitter card background.

The Romulan design features a large holographic Romulan emblem. There’s a Romulan couple (she is wearing the William Ware Theiss dress from the classic TOS episode ‘The Enterprise Incident’). There are also two glasses of Romulan (blue) champagne against the twin worlds, and a large multilayered imagining of the ‘Firefalls of Gal’Gathong’, a volcanic geological feature on Romulus which was only mentioned in dialog.

The Borg Collective design surround features the Transwarp hub shown in the Voyager finale, ‘Endgame’.

Two different ones for the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. Thanos cradles the completed Infinity Gauntlet in front of a holographic space bridge on one. On the other is a diorama of some of our heroes and their ship, the Benetar.

The Fifth Element. Based on Luc Besson’s classic 1997 sci-fi thriller, the first peice features the future New York City, Mr Kim’s noodle boat, Zorg’s blue-haired secretary, Corban’s winning ticket, and the ‘Keep Clear’ sign with the yellow circles. The second features the Floston Paradise cruise liner against a sunset with elemental icons in glittercard behind a personalised life-size screen-accurate multipass!

Some images of ‘The Making of’…
These started life as layered drawings in Adobe Illustrator, and then I cut out each colour by sheet of card and stack them using foam spacers. Several glues used depending on the job. There is also coloured and holographic vinyl for some of the details.

Thanks for looking at my Sci-fi 3D Card Art! For a broad look at my sci-fi wedding ideas click here. Also check out my Star Trek Wedding Stationery here or Doctor Who Wedding Stationery her. Also see my Guardian’s of the Galaxy Wedding Stationery here, and Luc Besson’s ‘Fifth Element’ Wedding Stationery here.
Thanks for checking out my unique Star Trek Wedding stationery! If I can design something truly unique for your wedding please get in touch!
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