I proudly present the new MASK Rhino Ultimate Upgrade Sticker Kit to coincide with MASK’s 35th birthday.

My aim is just to make the toys look properly exceptional. I work really hard to honour the original 1980’s design as this is what makes the toy so iconic, so my intention is just to complement and improve that if I can – I’m trying to produce the stickers the original could have had if budget, time and art technology were not something they had to worry about. I love Rhino with all its chrome and detail so much, and with our vibrant community making all sorts of 3d printed add-ons and extras for the toys I really felt the stickers could use a professional update, which is a task I’m singularly suited to, because I enjoy spending days on end drawing tiny, incredibly detailed things!
So whether your old Rhino is just looking a bit tired, or you’re doing a full-on beautiful restoration, these are the stickers for you – your Rhino will absolutely pop off the shelf!
What you get –
- More than 50 custom drawn, professionally printed and pre-cut stickers for your Rhino to make it POP! Full coherent instructions on this page!
This is a full, highly detailed complete redraw of ALL the original Rhino stickers (including those you don’t get on run-of-the-mill repro kits like the front grill and the stickers behind the horns on Rhino’s nose). Plus a bunch of new stickers, and optional extras!
Ebay link
Link to Rhino kit in my online store on this website
NB – to properly place all the stickers in this kit, you will need to dismantle your Rhino. I’ve made two videos about Rhino – the first dismantling and rechroming all the chrome parts, and the second is a reveal and designer’s walkthrough of this sticker kit so if you like you can follow along with me, or use the instructions further down this page. Links below.
Video 1 – Rechroming Rhino and discussion of dismantling.
Video 2 – Rhino Ultimate Upgrade Kit reveal and designer’s walkthrough.
As with all my other kits, I’ve created placement instructions for the kit below. Have fun and thank you so much for buying my stickers and keeping MASK alive!
Please refresh this page to ensure you have the most up-to-date instructions!
I also (always) recommend tweezers for some of the tiny, fiddly stickers.
Also, take your time! This is a fun hobby project for serious MASK fans!
First, remove the tired 30-year old stickers off your Rhino. You can clean any residual goo off with Zippo lighter fuel. If you decide to remove them later, they won’t damage the toy.
Yes I know the wing mirrors are on the wrong way round in my photos! Please don’t write in! 🙂
Note there is a small error in the numbering on the larger sheet in that we have two number 15’s and two number 16’s. you should be able to work it out, but for the avoidance of doubt number 12 is the grey cushioned fabric stickers for the seats, (small and large), number 15 is the two new vents for the roof, number 16 is the MASK logos (choice of white or burgundy backgrounds), and number 17 is the two horizontal stickers for the rocket launcher.

Link to Rhino kit in my online store on this website
Thanks for supporting my MASK art and contribution to the MASK community!
I welcome your feedback. If you think my instructions look like Lester wrote them, let me know and I’ll try and improve them.
I’d love to know what you think! You can contact me by email, my Riverglade.guru facebook page, or a MASK facebook group here if you have any questions or feedback. Visit my youtube channel! NEW – Follow me on instagram!
PS If you’re from Hasbro you should really offer me a job doing this! 🙂