“Having been recommended Philip Davis by Inkspot in Bishops Cleeve, we were delighted at his ability to deliver our two recent projects both promptly and at competitive prices. Philip wasted no time in coming over to our factory to discuss our requirements and his understanding of our requirements needed little added input from ourselves. “
David Chanin, CEO, Matara
Matara produce premium quality bespoke automation and pneumatic products. Already packing an impressive brand image, Matara approached me and asked me to update existing product brochures and produce the below large format (A1) product wallchart from scratch. I really enjoyed seeing this enormous poster on the wall when it was all finished and printed up on high-quality warehouse-resistant laminate. To find out more about Matara UK please visit their website at www.matara.com.

Brochure pages extracts:
Cheltenham Headache Clinic
Below are some of the illustrations I’ve done for the Cheltenham Headache Clinic showing muscle and nerve pressure points. I’ve also produced flyers, business cards and comp slips for them and their sister company, Synergy Osteopathic. To learn more about the CHC please visit their website at www.cheltenhamheadacheclinic.co.uk.

The CIBSE Domestic Heating Design Guide was produced to assist professional heating engineers to specify and design wet central heating systems. It provides a method of coming to agreement with the client as to what is needed and will be provided. It also provides a simple means for the practitioner to design and understand central heating systems. I was approached through my HETAS contacts to give this ageing document an update in design, adjusted illustrations, coordinated with the Working Group in charge of the document to affect a number of required changes to copy, a new cover design, corrected cross references, produced a new table of contents and coordinated with nominated printers.

To find out more about CIBSE and the Domestic Building Services Panel please visit their website, www.dbsp.co.uk

Working again with Working Group A of the Domestic Building Services Panel I was asked to fully update the Solar Heating Installation Guide, making revisions as requested by the Panel throughout the process, this time redoing around 86 graphs and technical illustrations in full colour and managing the document through to print. You can see some of my illustrations for the Solar Guide and other projects by clicking here.
To find out more about CIBSE and the Domestic Building Services Panel please visit their website, www.dbsp.co.uk

As part of it’s ongoing mission to improve awareness and safety of solid fuel installation HETAS periodically compiles Technical Bulletins to keep its large registrant installer membership up to date of changes in regulation, building controls, standards, technical installation best practise and news from the industry both in the UK and Europe.
I’ve designed, laid out and produced six Technical Bulletins for HETAS to date, ranging from 16 to 20 pages each, and are optimised separately for (interactive) email distribution amongst the registrant body but also for booklet-style print, where they are taken to exhibitions and used as a promotional tool to demonstrate the perks of HETAS registration.
Because these documents are both technical and sensitive in nature, and represent a good deal of work not just from myself but from the HETAS technical team, I’m unable to reproduce them here, but below is an idea of the first one.

2013 – The annually produced Official HETAS Guide to Approved Products & Services contains listings of approved appliances, ancillary equipment and products for use with biomass, wood and solid mineral fuels. The Guide is a very important document for the designer, retailer, installer, maintainer or user of appliances and systems using solid fuel as a heat source, including architects and LABC bodies. I was brought in to redesign and transform the document into a user-friendly and full colour directory incorporating logos, images and photographs for the first time since its conception.
2014 – Following on from the success of 2013’s new-look full-colour Guide, I polished this whopping 300-page document and fully populate with manufacturer logos & product images as well as selling advertising space, developing an Index, creating all the HETAS adverts and giving the overall design an update. Released early March 2014, 10,500 copies printed and distributed across the industry.
The 2015 HETAS Guide, Released Feburary 2015, 10,500 copies printed and distributed across the industry. 1000+ approved appliances, working with biomass fuel producers, chimney manufacturers and ancillary equipment with industry partners such as CogDem. My job again was to lay out the entire document in collaboration with the HETAS Technical Teams and maintain a fully interactive PDF available as a free download on the HETAS website. www.hetas.co.uk

The 2016 HETAS Guide, Released Feburary 2016, 10,500 copies printed and distributed across the industry. This year alongside a full design and colour revamp and the addition of more product details I designed and implemented a series of 21 icons to make understanding the appliance features in the listings more accessible than the previous text commentary.

To provide a means for HETAS to keep registered installers up to speed with regulations and standards. All registered installers are provided with a free handbook when first joining the HETAS Competent Person Registration scheme. The Handbook was first launched in 2012, working alongside the HETAS Technical teams I have updated the document according to changes in the Building regulations, styling the text, proofing the copy, adjusting diagrams as appropriate, checking cross-references, renumbering images, adding sections and a new table of contents, selling advertising space and coordinating with printers for fulfillment of distribution.
In 2015 I made new optional ‘bolt on’ Wet Installer Supplement to the Handbook designed to the same specs for advanced installers specialising in Wet Systems.

Working closely alongside with the HETAS Technical and Training Certification Manager, the HETAS Training and Technical teams and industry stakeholders to produce a new suite of training materials for dry, wet, biomass and internal system chimney installer and retailer candidates. My responsibilities include the look, design and page layout of the thirteen training unit manuals and accompanying folder and tooth dividers, version control, updates as required, technical illustrations and coordinating with nominated printers. The new materials were rolled out to nineteen specialised training centres nationwide January 2015. We have also publicised the launch of the new materials with advertisements (that I’ve produced) in nationwide magazines. Because the contents are used as texts for exams for a number of technical and retailer qualifications, I can’t reproduce them here, however I have a hard copy in my print portfolio.