So – my latest big one! MASK Bulldog Upgrade Stickers! I took the view – supported by MASKforce.com, that Bulldog transforms into an armoured command post – that is in the event Rhino were destroyed (which happens surprisingly frequently!) that Bulldog is the next logical choice to form MASK’s on-site command centre. So I’ve kitted it out with a full modern redraw with new computer banks and armour, loads of details and some fun Easter Eggs in there for you too.
What you get:
- You get: More than 50 Brand new redrawn and remeasured stickers for your Bulldog to make it POP!
Ebay link or contact me directly!
Link to this product in my own online store
Please refresh this page to ensure you have the most up-to-date instructions! I also (always) recommend tweezers for some of the tiny, fiddly stickers. Also, take your time! This is a fun hobby project for serious MASK fans!

Brian Bergin from the USA won the competition on my youtube channel (Bulldog video) so well done to him! He won himself a T-shirt! We’ve decided to keep the answer off the internet so anyone else buying a Bulldog kit can have fun finding it and decoding it themselves! Good luck! If you need help identifying the other Easter Eggs in this kit – (of which there are many!) then please drop me a line!
Thanks to Darren and Omar for their help with this kit and video! Thanks to you for supporting my MASK art!
Do you have suggestions for other kits I should make?
I’d love to know what you think of my MASK Bulldog Upgrade Stickers! You can contact me by email, my Riverglade.guru facebook page, or a MASK facebook group here if you have any questions or feedback.
Visit my youtube channel!
Follow me on instagram!
If you think my instructions look like Lester wrote them, let me know and I’ll try and improve them.